
May 7, 2015

The Art of Specialty Advertising and Brand Building

Submitted by Kelly Glass

Marshall McLuhan, the author and visionary philosopher of communication theory, once categorized advertising in a remarkable new light. McLuhan stated, “Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.” While McLuhan knew plenty about modern communication, he was one of the first to point out advertising’s ability to captivate consumers and use creative ideas to motivate their everyday decisions.

In the 1900s, California crop growers used art to sell their fresh produce to hungry Americans across the country. Starting in the 1940s, companies used style and sex appeal to sell cigarettes in print ads. Agencies also employed graphics to pitch automobiles, children’s breakfast cereals and dishwashers. By the 1960s, Andy Warhol not only featured advertising and American brands to create art, he ended up greatly influencing the marketing and design for decades.

Paint Brushes and Colorful Paint Remind Us Brand Building is an Art

Today, one of the major challenges of any professional involved in advertising is to help clients throughout the entire marketing lifecycle of their businesses. One thing that is just as important today as it was in the early 20th century is the idea of building name recognition. This is vital, especially for SMBs. Name recognition becomes synonymous with one’s reputation, while also motivating buyers to make contact when they have needs.

Distributors of specialty advertising products know the power of having brand names right in customers’ hands. Your clients may prefer classic promotional products like calendars, desk accessories or keychains bearing their logos, while others will favor more upscale selections like specialty drinkware or high quality writing instruments. Either way, having tangible reminders of businesses and their names is one of the most effective ways to build name recognition.

Additionally, you probably already know that specialty advertising is just one part of your clients’ overall marketing mix. As SMBs plan their promotional strategy, you want them to call on you for help in other areas. Beyond expert vector artwork and embroidery digitizing to customize wearables promotional products, Idea Custom Solutions can help you with other design services that SMBs need to build their brands.

Consider your SMB customers’ overall presence. Eye-catching logos, professional marketing materials and even well-designed business cards are an important part of success. While providing the best in promo products to your customers, talk to them about all of their needs. We’ll help.

Regardless of whether you consider advertising a true art form or just business as usual, partnering with contacts and providing expertise is critical. Your customers can always benefit from your marketing and advertising ideas. Offer them a variety of options and talk to Idea Custom Solutions about how to make your customers’ brand identities shine.


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